Home > Our events > Artist's Alley
Artist's Alley

Grab a table at our meets or events, and showcase your work! Be a part of the LondonFurs Artist's Alley!

Take the space to draw, write or create, or even sell anything furry related, such as art commissions, things you've made, or anything in-between.

In light of feedback from attendees, we have introduced a table booking system, so you don't need to dash in at the start of the meet to claim a space.

You will need a Telegram account to register.

Simply open a chat directly with our booking bot, @LFBookingBot . Follow the simple instructions, and, once approved by staff, we'll let you know what table you've secured!

Bot Commands

You can get a full list of commands with the bot, by using the /help command.

  • /book: Book a vendor table at an event.
  • /list: List your bookings for upcoming events.
  • /cancel: Cancel a booking for an upcoming event.
  • /meets: Shows all available events.
  • /info: Shows all the detail about an event, including the booking roster.
  • /profile: View your booking profile, statistics, and make changes.
  • /setname: Changes your booking profile name.
  • /setwebsite: Changes your website link for your booking profile.
  • /log: View your entire history of bookings on your profile.